
eBRAM established two functional committees, five standing executive committees and an advisory committee, headed by Directors of the Board.


Functional committees -

Staff and Finance Committee - The Staff and Finance Committee is mandated to oversee matters regarding finance, human resources and general administration, as well as to advise the Board with regard to the eBRAM’s business, finance objectives.

Audit Committee – The Audit Committee is mandated to formulate policies relating to regulatory performance, corporate governance and risk management; and to report to the Board, identifying and making recommendations on any matters where action or improvement is needed.


Standing executive committees –  

Appointments Committee – The Appointment Committee is mandated to advise the Board in respect of the matters and procedures in the discharge and performance of functions by the eBRAM under any arbitration rules or procedures in relation to the appointment of neutrals, arbitrators and mediators, and the matters associated therewith.

Challenges Committee – The Challenge Committee is mandated to handle challenges arisen out of the arbitration and mediation appointments, processes and results; and to decide on the procedure and applicable rules for handling challenges to appointments of neutrals, arbitrators and mediators.

Rules Committee – The Rules Committee is mandated to formulate rules and procedures for online dispute resolution proceedings and deal making administered by eBRAM Centre; and to decide on the applicable schedules of fees under the rules and procedures adopted by eBRAM Centre, etc.

Panel Listing Committee – The Panel Listing Committee is mandated to handle vetting and listing of arbitrators and mediators onto the respective panels of the eBRAM Centre; to establish, keep under review and safeguard the professional standards of training for inclusion on the panels established and maintained by the Committee; and to assess the suitability of training courses for panel members in light of the standards established from time to time by the Committee for persons to be included on the panels established and maintained by the Committee.

Information Technology Committee – The Information Technology Committee is mandated to provide advice on internet security and other internet/software issues of the eBRAM system, the requirements and compliance in its continued development; advise on eBRAM’s technology roadmap; and make recommendations to the Board on eBRAM’s technology development projects and deals with technical matters in relation to eBRAM platform.


Advisory committee -

Technology Advisory Committee - The Technology Advisory Committee will provide advice to the Information Technology Committee (“ITC”) on eBRAM’s technology and LawTech matters; support ITC’s goals to enhance the quality and efficiency of eBRAM’s IT systems; provide guidance and oversight in planning, prioritizing, and implementing IT-enabled initiatives;  and raise awareness of technological breakthroughs and recommend opportunities to proactively incorporate advancements into our IT infrastructure.